Monday, August 5, 2013

YouTube Ban in Pakistan

Today in Islamabad, Pakistan the Minister of State for Information and Technology Anusha Rehman said that Youtube and 2,700 other websites with objectionable material would be blocked. Right now Pakistan is only able to go about doing it one website at a time and are trying to develop a program that would go through and do it automatically. Up until that point of achievement is achieved the websites would remain banned. Rehman also referenced Google as not cooperating with the efforts. Probably because Google is an American company and the Freedoms of the Press protect them against having to cooperate.

In the Pakistani Constitution there are several Islamic Provisions that they would reference in order to maintain such a ban:
Citing Wikipedia on the Constitution of Pakistan

  1. Steps shall be taken to enable the Muslims of Pakistan, individually or collectively, to order their lives in accordance with the fundamental principles and basic concepts of Islam.
  2. The state shall prevent prostitution, gambling and consumption of alcohol, printingpublication, circulation and display of obscene literature and advertisements.

  3. Much like the United States of America there is Freedom of Expression with hundreds of media outlets in Pakistan. But when it comes to Islamic Law it supercedes since they have added those provisions to their Constitution. Yet like the United States of America Pakistan does enjoy Freedom of Religion which is in their Constitution, but 95% of Pakistan is Muslim with the other 5% being Christian, Sikh and Hindus. 

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