Monday, August 5, 2013

YouTube Ban in Pakistan

Today in Islamabad, Pakistan the Minister of State for Information and Technology Anusha Rehman said that Youtube and 2,700 other websites with objectionable material would be blocked. Right now Pakistan is only able to go about doing it one website at a time and are trying to develop a program that would go through and do it automatically. Up until that point of achievement is achieved the websites would remain banned. Rehman also referenced Google as not cooperating with the efforts. Probably because Google is an American company and the Freedoms of the Press protect them against having to cooperate.

In the Pakistani Constitution there are several Islamic Provisions that they would reference in order to maintain such a ban:
Citing Wikipedia on the Constitution of Pakistan

  1. Steps shall be taken to enable the Muslims of Pakistan, individually or collectively, to order their lives in accordance with the fundamental principles and basic concepts of Islam.
  2. The state shall prevent prostitution, gambling and consumption of alcohol, printingpublication, circulation and display of obscene literature and advertisements.

  3. Much like the United States of America there is Freedom of Expression with hundreds of media outlets in Pakistan. But when it comes to Islamic Law it supercedes since they have added those provisions to their Constitution. Yet like the United States of America Pakistan does enjoy Freedom of Religion which is in their Constitution, but 95% of Pakistan is Muslim with the other 5% being Christian, Sikh and Hindus. 

    Sunday, August 4, 2013

    Complete List Of Middle East and Northern Africa Embassies and Consulates Closing on August 4th

    Courtesy of CNN here is a list of the following US Embassies and Consulates that will be closed Sunday August 4th 2013.

    I'm at a complete loss why they would give out a list here in the USA. We have Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech. So I have the list and went to Google Maps and now we can understand why Benghazi happened. Look at some of the weak protection? This is truly sad.

    U.S. Embassy Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

     U.S. Consulate Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

    U.S. Consulate Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    U.S. Embassy Baghdad, Iraq

    U.S. Consulate Basrah, Iraq

    U.S. Consulate Erbil, Iraq

    U.S. Embassy Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

    U.S. Consulate Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    U.S. Embassy Tripoli, Libya

    U.S. Embassy Algiers, Algeria

    U.S. Embassy Amman, Jordan

    U.S. Embassy Cairo, Egypt

    U.S. Embassy Djibouti, Djibouti

    U.S. Embassy Dhaka, Bangladesh

    U.S. Embassy Doha, Qatar

    U.S. Embassy Kabul, Afghanistan

    U.S. Embassy Khartoum, Sudan

    U.S. Embassy Kuwait City, Kuwait

    U.S. Embassy Manama, Bahrain

    U.S. Embassy Muscat, Oman

    U.S. Embassy Nouakchott, Mauritania

    U.S. Embassy Sana'a, Yemen 

    I did my homework & decided to give a look on Google Maps & I can see why some of them would be closed on Sunday. In fact I’m not sure why they should be opened up again due to lack of any type of defense. Possibly a few walls for protection to keep out minimal rioting? In any of these countries if citizens wanted to revolt they could take over any one of these posts. Any person who works in these posts is at risk of putting their life on the line with minimal protection. Possibly safe rooms but no troops as you can see in the pictures.

    Maybe a few private security firms need to step up to bat & start contracting to protect these areas of the United States of America.

    It is almost as if they are asking to be attacked? Why give out the list of posts that are going to be closed and on what day? This makes no sense to me as you look through the pictures you will see very little protection. It is like they just gave an outline to 22 Benghazi’s? I’m not sure about this administration or their tactics but President Obama? You are not thinking about the mind of psychopaths and people who are at risk for suicide? If you did you would start possibly putting mental health administrators at each post and start helping these countries in teaching them about Mental Health?

    22 United States Of America Embassies Go Into Hiding From Terror Threat.

    With the closing of the 22 embassies across Northern Africa, Middle East and even Bangladesh instead of showing the true spirit of America? We are playing a game of hide and seek with Al Quaeda. 

    For a suicide bomber it doesn't matter if we hide today, tomorrow or the next day. That just means 3 more nights of restful peace before strapping on a jacket getting on a scooter or motorcycle and blowing up one of our embassies. It doesn’t matter to the men who will sleep 3 more nights to wait and overtake an embassy. A killer is still a killer. Whether it is an extremist Muslim, Coptic Christian or an American who has decided to take on such extreme views. 

    America hiding? Is that what our embassies are about now? Did we forget the Carter Administration and the takeover of the Embassies then? They had a few Marines and hostages and this is just setting the stage for one or more of our Embassies being taken over when they return to work. I look back on a few Administrations. Jack Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. We were not isolationists. We did not run and cover. We did not hide. We have been trying to show the Islamic World they can live in peace. Yet when we run at the end of Ramadan of all holidays? We have just said that all Muslims are enemies. This is insulting to the entire Islamic World. A place of all places we should not be showing them that their holidays are evil. 

    These people in the Islamic World do not live with a vest in every home. Do we here at home evacuate all Federal Buildings when Christmas Break is over? They live in homes many primitive to our own. They have children no matter how bad or extreme the area is that go and play ball out in the roads. We have enough troops to cover all 22 embassies with the particular countries respect and access. If the countries do not allow it then we pull the embassy and move the troops to areas that we can help and move them to a more peaceful nation. 

    In the face of Benghazi where Americans died? In their name we are showing instead of protecting our embassies we are showing that we will run at the first sight of chatter. This is an irresponsible move and an extremely dangerous move. Did the Iran Hostage Crisis teach us nothing? We have some very dangerous Extremists in Guantanamo right now? These extremists have vowed to get those extremists out this is not a characteristic of killing but holding one of our own hostage to swap for the release of some out of that prison. Did U.S. Ambassador Christopher J. Stevens die so that we can send people back to work in 3 days so that one of the 22 embassies can be overtaken and another Ambassador killed or worst yet taken hostage and our President says no we will not negotiate with Al Quaeda and then them end up beheading one of our own Ambassadors on video? Did you learn nothing from Nick Berg Mr. President? 

    The mind of a psychopath is not about negotiating with a domestic violence situation here in America. These are some of the worst born and bred killers and suicide bombers in the world. Their mind is not about negotiating 3 or 4 times. Their minds are not wired to see the beautiful picture window of a great wide-open flowery meadow, yet a peephole in a door. They have one goal and that is to kill Americans or get the release of the prisoners in Guantanamo or better yet watch the United States of America run from the Middle East. 

    Congratulations Mr. President you’re on your way to the last. America does not hide in the face of terror instead if they want to bring all they got we have to stand up to it and make sure they do not succeed. We batten down the hatches and weather out the storm. You move 1,000 troops into each embassy or near by and you take a gamble at cutting the head off the snake. Instead Mr. President they do a little bit of chatter and they cut the head off of America. Whether it is an Ambassador later on or they cut the head off of America by retreating for a few days. 

    We have solid friends in this area. Look at Dubai one of the most amazing cities in the Middle East and we leave it to the extremists? Look at all the prison breaks in Libya, Iraq and Pakistan where there was no presence at all except a few embassies here and there. Where there are Americans there will always be the threat. Mr. President you just put the Americans who will go back to work? More at risk than ever now. Mr. President this is a game of Chess and you just got check mated. 

    Please reconsider a way of our embassies are setup instead of setting up these half put together little tents and leaving it to the extremists. You have the ability to make changes to these embassies and making sure they are protected and people can go to work peacefully or we are going to have 22 9/11’s or 22 Benghazi’s. Or worse yet end up with 22 Iraq’s that you have left to the extremists. 

    I don't know who you have running your suicide bomb terrorist stopping squad but they need some real world experience in suicides to see in the minds of these extremists. Until you have that you will not stop them. You can't even stop suicides here in America Mr. President? How do you ever expect to stop them in the Middle East? Do you have special soldiers dealing with ex-Islamic extremists who want to get help? 

    Are you dealing with the Islamic mental health of the problem? 

    This is not just people strapping on bombs and blowing people up. These are real life people who need help and when there is no help they will reach out to someone who will show them a home. You speak loudly enough and you drop flyers showing that we are there to help and they can live in peace. You just might then start dismantling Al Quaeda. 

    You’re not dealing with the problem your just moving the problem out to the next President. President Obama these kids want help and the people who speak to them? Are the ones that are helping them ride that scooter into a shop filled with customers? Until you look into the mind of a suicide you will never get it Mr. President. 

    So until then Mr. President America will run and hide from Terror under your Administration. 

    Mr. President I am not a Native American but I will leave you with this old Cherokee tale:

    Two Wolves 

    An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. 

    “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.” 

    The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?” 

    The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.” 

    How do you feel you just fed the islamic extremists? What do our American Ambassadors have to look forward to when they return to work just happy and peaceful? Or full of worry that we set them up to be attacked?