Friday, May 31, 2013

Babies and Fats?

So being a stay at home dad has its perks. My 2 year old baby girl Skye loves her milk. So we have been giving her milk forever it seems like. Actually only since she got off formula. So then I started to look at the fats?

Saturated Fat in her milk 5 grams
Trans Fat in her milk 0 grams

So I am thinking wow I know she needs fats but do I really want to give her that much Saturated Fat? I decided to take a look at powdered milk. Here are the stats on powdered milk:

Saturated Fat in powdered milk 0 grams
Trans Fat in powdered milk 0 grams

Hmmm so being a father and concerned with how much saturated fat she is getting I came up with an idea. I told Beth to get two gallons of milk and we have plenty of milk. We will give her regular milk and we will drink the milk as well until it is half gone in one of the gallons. Then what I do is I put powdered milk in with the half gallon of milk until I have a full gallon of half powdered milk and half regular milk. Then as we drink the other milk she can suck down the powdered/regular milk.

This not only saves money but is healthier and she is still getting fat but not as much. Just starting to do this you would really be surprised how long those two gallons lasted.

Well that is my run down on Saturated Fat and babies :)

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