Monday, August 5, 2013

YouTube Ban in Pakistan

Today in Islamabad, Pakistan the Minister of State for Information and Technology Anusha Rehman said that Youtube and 2,700 other websites with objectionable material would be blocked. Right now Pakistan is only able to go about doing it one website at a time and are trying to develop a program that would go through and do it automatically. Up until that point of achievement is achieved the websites would remain banned. Rehman also referenced Google as not cooperating with the efforts. Probably because Google is an American company and the Freedoms of the Press protect them against having to cooperate.

In the Pakistani Constitution there are several Islamic Provisions that they would reference in order to maintain such a ban:
Citing Wikipedia on the Constitution of Pakistan

  1. Steps shall be taken to enable the Muslims of Pakistan, individually or collectively, to order their lives in accordance with the fundamental principles and basic concepts of Islam.
  2. The state shall prevent prostitution, gambling and consumption of alcohol, printingpublication, circulation and display of obscene literature and advertisements.

  3. Much like the United States of America there is Freedom of Expression with hundreds of media outlets in Pakistan. But when it comes to Islamic Law it supercedes since they have added those provisions to their Constitution. Yet like the United States of America Pakistan does enjoy Freedom of Religion which is in their Constitution, but 95% of Pakistan is Muslim with the other 5% being Christian, Sikh and Hindus. 

    Sunday, August 4, 2013

    Complete List Of Middle East and Northern Africa Embassies and Consulates Closing on August 4th

    Courtesy of CNN here is a list of the following US Embassies and Consulates that will be closed Sunday August 4th 2013.

    I'm at a complete loss why they would give out a list here in the USA. We have Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech. So I have the list and went to Google Maps and now we can understand why Benghazi happened. Look at some of the weak protection? This is truly sad.

    U.S. Embassy Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

     U.S. Consulate Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

    U.S. Consulate Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    U.S. Embassy Baghdad, Iraq

    U.S. Consulate Basrah, Iraq

    U.S. Consulate Erbil, Iraq

    U.S. Embassy Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

    U.S. Consulate Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    U.S. Embassy Tripoli, Libya

    U.S. Embassy Algiers, Algeria

    U.S. Embassy Amman, Jordan

    U.S. Embassy Cairo, Egypt

    U.S. Embassy Djibouti, Djibouti

    U.S. Embassy Dhaka, Bangladesh

    U.S. Embassy Doha, Qatar

    U.S. Embassy Kabul, Afghanistan

    U.S. Embassy Khartoum, Sudan

    U.S. Embassy Kuwait City, Kuwait

    U.S. Embassy Manama, Bahrain

    U.S. Embassy Muscat, Oman

    U.S. Embassy Nouakchott, Mauritania

    U.S. Embassy Sana'a, Yemen 

    I did my homework & decided to give a look on Google Maps & I can see why some of them would be closed on Sunday. In fact I’m not sure why they should be opened up again due to lack of any type of defense. Possibly a few walls for protection to keep out minimal rioting? In any of these countries if citizens wanted to revolt they could take over any one of these posts. Any person who works in these posts is at risk of putting their life on the line with minimal protection. Possibly safe rooms but no troops as you can see in the pictures.

    Maybe a few private security firms need to step up to bat & start contracting to protect these areas of the United States of America.

    It is almost as if they are asking to be attacked? Why give out the list of posts that are going to be closed and on what day? This makes no sense to me as you look through the pictures you will see very little protection. It is like they just gave an outline to 22 Benghazi’s? I’m not sure about this administration or their tactics but President Obama? You are not thinking about the mind of psychopaths and people who are at risk for suicide? If you did you would start possibly putting mental health administrators at each post and start helping these countries in teaching them about Mental Health?

    22 United States Of America Embassies Go Into Hiding From Terror Threat.

    With the closing of the 22 embassies across Northern Africa, Middle East and even Bangladesh instead of showing the true spirit of America? We are playing a game of hide and seek with Al Quaeda. 

    For a suicide bomber it doesn't matter if we hide today, tomorrow or the next day. That just means 3 more nights of restful peace before strapping on a jacket getting on a scooter or motorcycle and blowing up one of our embassies. It doesn’t matter to the men who will sleep 3 more nights to wait and overtake an embassy. A killer is still a killer. Whether it is an extremist Muslim, Coptic Christian or an American who has decided to take on such extreme views. 

    America hiding? Is that what our embassies are about now? Did we forget the Carter Administration and the takeover of the Embassies then? They had a few Marines and hostages and this is just setting the stage for one or more of our Embassies being taken over when they return to work. I look back on a few Administrations. Jack Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. We were not isolationists. We did not run and cover. We did not hide. We have been trying to show the Islamic World they can live in peace. Yet when we run at the end of Ramadan of all holidays? We have just said that all Muslims are enemies. This is insulting to the entire Islamic World. A place of all places we should not be showing them that their holidays are evil. 

    These people in the Islamic World do not live with a vest in every home. Do we here at home evacuate all Federal Buildings when Christmas Break is over? They live in homes many primitive to our own. They have children no matter how bad or extreme the area is that go and play ball out in the roads. We have enough troops to cover all 22 embassies with the particular countries respect and access. If the countries do not allow it then we pull the embassy and move the troops to areas that we can help and move them to a more peaceful nation. 

    In the face of Benghazi where Americans died? In their name we are showing instead of protecting our embassies we are showing that we will run at the first sight of chatter. This is an irresponsible move and an extremely dangerous move. Did the Iran Hostage Crisis teach us nothing? We have some very dangerous Extremists in Guantanamo right now? These extremists have vowed to get those extremists out this is not a characteristic of killing but holding one of our own hostage to swap for the release of some out of that prison. Did U.S. Ambassador Christopher J. Stevens die so that we can send people back to work in 3 days so that one of the 22 embassies can be overtaken and another Ambassador killed or worst yet taken hostage and our President says no we will not negotiate with Al Quaeda and then them end up beheading one of our own Ambassadors on video? Did you learn nothing from Nick Berg Mr. President? 

    The mind of a psychopath is not about negotiating with a domestic violence situation here in America. These are some of the worst born and bred killers and suicide bombers in the world. Their mind is not about negotiating 3 or 4 times. Their minds are not wired to see the beautiful picture window of a great wide-open flowery meadow, yet a peephole in a door. They have one goal and that is to kill Americans or get the release of the prisoners in Guantanamo or better yet watch the United States of America run from the Middle East. 

    Congratulations Mr. President you’re on your way to the last. America does not hide in the face of terror instead if they want to bring all they got we have to stand up to it and make sure they do not succeed. We batten down the hatches and weather out the storm. You move 1,000 troops into each embassy or near by and you take a gamble at cutting the head off the snake. Instead Mr. President they do a little bit of chatter and they cut the head off of America. Whether it is an Ambassador later on or they cut the head off of America by retreating for a few days. 

    We have solid friends in this area. Look at Dubai one of the most amazing cities in the Middle East and we leave it to the extremists? Look at all the prison breaks in Libya, Iraq and Pakistan where there was no presence at all except a few embassies here and there. Where there are Americans there will always be the threat. Mr. President you just put the Americans who will go back to work? More at risk than ever now. Mr. President this is a game of Chess and you just got check mated. 

    Please reconsider a way of our embassies are setup instead of setting up these half put together little tents and leaving it to the extremists. You have the ability to make changes to these embassies and making sure they are protected and people can go to work peacefully or we are going to have 22 9/11’s or 22 Benghazi’s. Or worse yet end up with 22 Iraq’s that you have left to the extremists. 

    I don't know who you have running your suicide bomb terrorist stopping squad but they need some real world experience in suicides to see in the minds of these extremists. Until you have that you will not stop them. You can't even stop suicides here in America Mr. President? How do you ever expect to stop them in the Middle East? Do you have special soldiers dealing with ex-Islamic extremists who want to get help? 

    Are you dealing with the Islamic mental health of the problem? 

    This is not just people strapping on bombs and blowing people up. These are real life people who need help and when there is no help they will reach out to someone who will show them a home. You speak loudly enough and you drop flyers showing that we are there to help and they can live in peace. You just might then start dismantling Al Quaeda. 

    You’re not dealing with the problem your just moving the problem out to the next President. President Obama these kids want help and the people who speak to them? Are the ones that are helping them ride that scooter into a shop filled with customers? Until you look into the mind of a suicide you will never get it Mr. President. 

    So until then Mr. President America will run and hide from Terror under your Administration. 

    Mr. President I am not a Native American but I will leave you with this old Cherokee tale:

    Two Wolves 

    An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. 

    “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.” 

    The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?” 

    The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.” 

    How do you feel you just fed the islamic extremists? What do our American Ambassadors have to look forward to when they return to work just happy and peaceful? Or full of worry that we set them up to be attacked?

    Saturday, July 20, 2013

    4 Step Plan to Redemption

    4 Step Plan to Redemption

    First off let say this. This is just a framework and the only option out there to bring people up out of the hoods and the projects. It is the only option that has been created to actually bring some sort of redemption to the black folk. This would all be funded by the US Government if the people really want equality. If you don't want equality then just go on your marches and to be honest they will just give you a little something to suffice or this will soon be on the backburner and nothing will be done. So the next Trayvon happens? You will go on your marches with the civil rights advocates/racebaiters and only get something to suffice. This below would be real change and could be implemented in cycles. So really it is just up to the citizens do you want to just be angry and wait for the next black baby to die? Or do you actually want to be equal cause how I see it when Lincoln freedthe slaves. The slaves were sent packing with nothing. Its time to get something for your ancestors

    You will find negativity in this and its because we have alot of bigots, racists, and in general people who just want anarchy the real people willl want change.

    4 Step Plan To Get Redemption

    1. A real solid Proclamation from the heart to Black Americans across this country from the United States Government for allowing Human Dignity to be trashed. Yes a real apology. Not just freedom but a rock solid something we can put near Martin Luther King Jr.s Monument. Maybe title it "We All Made It To The Mountaintop"

    2. Compensation-Maybe some tax breaks for a set amount of years (10-18 years) . Possibly some free Public Assistance in Education. Something to give them an opportunity to feel like humans. Look at all the poor areas its full of black folk no reason why we can't help them get up on their feet. To be honest it may piss off alot of White people? If it does you know who would own a slave today. We are no better than anyone else. Its time Mr. President do it right. It has been left wrong for so long. You know how we have chinatowns? They have alot of tourist attraction? Well why can't we have Negroetowns? Give extra funding to cities that build these Negroetowns, Blacktowns, hell I don't know but I do know you put black people in business? They are making good money and they are happy.

    3. Education-This one is HUGE.......Something we should of done a long time ago. We teach everything. We teach our children how our ancestors treated black people and they teach us how they treated us and we show them why we are so far ahead today than we were yesterday. Its because a black man stood up and had a dream and we needed to reach for that dream and I guarantee you we start pulling black people out of the sewers of our towns and we will start seeing a huge good change in America. This knowledge should be taught from Elementary School on up.

    4. Good Hard Laws against Bullying or tearing down others with words. I encourage cities to pass laws that if an official hears a word or nuance then they be reporters and report if someone said Nigger or Cracker. Start pulling money out of pockets for a stupid word they are going to stop and think about their choice of words. This waiting for the next big entertainer to say it is not working. You can also make the fees on a sliding scale so if a actor says it that makes 25 million a years they are going to think twice when they are $1,000,000 short. That means that city or county with the laws make some dough and the city or counties that do pass laws get funding through the federal government. The same with bullying we start taking money out of that families coffers? They are going to teach their child some respect.

    I have been thinking about this for a while since Trayvon died. To be honest I am on the side where its right. We choose by our laws to have a jury of our peers to make decisions that are hard as hell. They made a decision and I feel if they feel it was a right decision then I feel it was a right decision. Now George is going to live with the fact that he killed someone the rest of his life. So be it lets have some good come out of this and the only way that is going to happen is if we work together to make it right. Then we can call it something like Trayvons Laws or something.

    I just know if we do nothing? This is not going to go away. We need to start forcing our politicians to pass laws that make sense and these would make sense. To be honest I have a 2 year old little girl I want her to learn the right way and be completely comfortable around anyone.

    And Trayvon thank you for your sacrifice to bring some light to a very dark situation. I know attitudes don't change overnight but I believe there are more of us that want to do what is right than what is wrong. It is time to do the right thing for good.

    edit:I am finding alot of negative attitudes towards this framework and do you know what it tells me? This program would actually work. The framework is there for all people to be created equally. It would provide for some a refreshing start to life. See this is not something that is set in stone but it is something that can be molded into how we want to make it. If all men were created equally? This 4 step plan would never even be thought up. So please think about it talk about it and really embrace it in your own heart to see if it is something that would work or not work. But it is the only plan right now that is even remotely out there to help blacks and whites understand each other and force the government to do what is right.

    P.S. I am ejecting myself from the conversation because it is not right for me to battle if this plan is right or wrong. It would just be a framework that could be changed as necessary.

    P.S.S Remember this is about the government making changes to their coffers so no money would come out of the current generations taxes. If you mention something like this below then you know people didnt read this far.

    Thursday, July 18, 2013

    We finally got packed and were on the road for a few days. Got a warm welcome from some brothers and what a great view of the Pacific Ocean. MLH&R81forever James IH Morrow

    Wednesday, July 17, 2013

    The Racial Divide Is Over-Everyone Has The Dream If They Want It!

    So if you want to be something?
    You step up on the USA in front of live television coverage and you be rude and act ignorant. Well since you did that you got social media in an uproar and they were less than cordial. So Tom Joyner decides hey this young lady looks like she needs help so what does he do? He offers her not only a full ride scholarship, but tutors to help with her SAT scores and everything else that goes along with it. I'm not going to bitch about the fact that there are real people out there fighting every single day to get that one spot that ungrateful young lady is going to take up. Not only that but she became grateful when she decided to go on one of the most unAmerican TV shows on cable television. No I am not going to bitch about all that. I'm going to bitch about the fact that the offer is to any BLACK college in America? Is that not racist in itself? So yes Rachel Jeantel consider yourself lucky as hell for getting something not even a Aimee Copeland the young lady who lost her limbs to a flesh eating bacteria. Yes Rachel Jeantel feel fortunate you got a full ride scholarship and a free ride to a good life that not even Amanda Berry, Gina Dejesus, and Michelle Knight did not get and they were tortured and missing for 10 years. Then go on Piers Morgan show and act completely proper when you know that your going to get free funds somehow if you make a complete ass of yourself on television. Oh yes Piers Morgan?

    Piers Morgan is the perfect forum if you are racist and ungrateful for just having a free life. You don't even have to be sad like Trayvon Martins parents have been and they went into mourning but not Rachel Jeantel she is going to make some money on the blood of her friends hands. Piers you should be ashamed of having such an improper person on your show or was it just for ratings? I'm sure CNN is enjoying the rating s on a dead young mans life. You show absolutely zero interest in the American public. For all the talk you have talked about how profiling and racism is wrong you bring the one person who is one of the most racist and don’t bleep any nigger or nigga or cracker word coming out of her mouth. You tear down the American society just like the blacks in this country are doing right now. You have zero respect for any of our laws. You battle tooth and nail for guns to be taken from our cold dead hands. But your speech has become muted.

    Now you have the NAACP, Benjamin Jealous, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson Jr, The New Black Panthers, etc. all jumping on the bandwagon and perpetrating a racial divide. So why is there an association for blacks? Was that to make it fair because a few white people were in the KKK? I mean hell look there is a $10,000 bounty on George Zimmerman’s head? And our President supports this racial divide? Instead he will remain silent but when Trayvon got shot he sure as hell said “If I had a son he would look like Trayvon.” Thank you Mr. President for sticking up for America as a whole instead of dividing it ***sarcasm***. Then the above men decide that a trial of a persons peers is not good enough we need to file a civil rights complaint against George Zimmerman? So the entire race now thinks that George Zimmerman violated Trayvon Martins civil rights? Look it was dark I wear a hoodie every single day I could look like a nigga. Oh Mr President and Piers Morgan is it OK if I say that? I know when Mel Gibson went off on the Jews it derailed his career but now a young black woman can call me a cracker and its OK.

    Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream. And we built a statue for that great man it is right by Abraham Lincolns. But he had a dream “THAT ALL MEN WERE CREATED EQUAL” Because of this one incident the above men have created a civil case against the white men of this country. Right now in this moment in time Blacks=Whites. Martin Luther King Jr’s dream has been accomplished. Just because one man who is not even a white man does not mean the entire black race has been treated poorly. In fact just the opposite I drive around Spokane and I see blacks and whites meshing comfortably. Sure your going to always have those problem people but right now in history you as black men and black women can say your absolutely equal to everyone else.

    Chicago is an example of who is killing your black children. It is the black race not the white race. Sure you might find an odd one here and there but it is pretty much a black issue. The above men should be fighting against those people and making sure no more babies are killed.

    There is nothing more the white men and women can do for you as a black race other than an official apology through our congress read by the highest white man in power if he believes an apology is appropriate? So Joe Biden you up for it? You have built your black colleges, associations, churches that better be open to the white man as well otherwise that is discrimination.

    We have come so far in 50 years with civil rights. George Zimmerman by law passed the test by a jury trial and double jeopardy is just racist motivation to try and get payback. This civil rights violation could have been put in place a year ago. Open your eyes and start fighting for your country not against it.

    Open up black businesses, move up positions to CEO of large companies, look at all the great black athletes? The only thing holding blacks back are blacks themselves. White people shoot for the stars and instead of reliving our past which has not been that great. But if Jews can get over the holocaust in 70 years I am sure over 100 years of beating this dead horse of handouts like the one Rachel Jeantel got and not some deserving youngster that could very well be shot tomorrow in Chicago. It is when you get people like I listed above to stoke the flames of hate. Yes Jesse Jackson Jr, Al Sharpton, Piers Morgan, NAACP, Benjamin Jealous, The New Black Panthers. If Martin Luther King Jr. saw the hate you all stoked this is not what he thought his dream would be. He didn’t want any handouts. He just wanted “ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL” The black race has reached that mountain top. If Martin Luther King Jr would of seen those 3 white women who were trapped in a house for 10 years and beaten and raped. He spoke for them. It wasn’t about a black nation. It was about a colorblind nation. One were we could all live in harmony. And finally Mr. President? The next little white girl who may be trapped for 10 years raped and beaten like the 3 that came out? Is that little girl going to look like yours? Time for the racial divide to end. Time for black leaders to step up and tear down the associations linked with the blacks, turn the black colleges into ones that accept all people because that is what the Great MLK Jr. would of wanted.

    How my race became a target in a Hispanic and black courtroom I will never know but you need to share your history in our schools. You need to teach us of your ancestors. You need to blend in with all of us whether we are Jewish, Japanese, Vietnamese. This is the land and home of the brave. Are you brave enough to rid yourself of your racism blacks? Some of the worst atrocities happened in Japan we dropped A-Bombs, the Vietnamese driven from their country. Yet they find it in their hearts to forgive us. If you have a Christian bone in your body then you must forgive us as nation. Martin Luther King Jr would of if he was still alive. I have watched many videos of the white hatred that use to be. It no longer lives here and neither does the black hatred because you have not been shackled or beaten. Yet those 3 white women were. And no NAACP showed up, Al Sharpton did not show up and Jesse Jackson did not show up. Yet there were unnamed blacks who embraced them. That is being an American. United we stand, Together we fall. Remember that Mr. President P.S. You said that if you had a boy it would look like Trayvon? Would you finally want him as brave as Chris Kyle? The race war is over

    Tuesday, July 9, 2013

    I wanted to give a little food for thought. I believe that we have a monster right now serving as Mayor for Chicago. He is letting #Chicago citizens and mainly black individuals are arrested over shootings that are happening. #RahmEmanuel served as #ChiefStrategist for #BarackObama and is a close friend of #DavidAxelrod both #Axelrod and #Emanuel are of #Jewish descent. 

    It came to me that on #CNN I am watching a plane that crashed in Chicago and 2 people died but the rest lived. But how many in Chicago are killed or shot? How many #blacksincarcerated? Chicago has the worst #crimerate and I do not believe it is because of #guns. I believe Rahm Emanuel is just letting them go at it and locking them up? He was has held 4 terms as #USHouseofRepresentative. He ran against about 6 others and the one who got 4th place was a #blackwoman she only received 8% of the vote Rahm got 55% of the vote. In his runs for the House he blew away every opponent with 70%+. #Rahmbrothers have written a book about themselves and it gets more coverage than the #shootings and #incarceration of blacks in that city. Over this last weekend they had something like 50 shootings? And absolutely zero coverage in that city. It is like the media outlets are avoiding it like the plague. Which wouldn't be hard if your the mayor of the city and your best buddies are David Axelrod and President Obama. I believe that Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod have used our President to create a run for the Presidency. I am just amazed how with all the killings even that black girl that was at the Presidents Parade was killed? And we just sit back and let Rahm get some Mayoral elections under his belt so when its time they let him go to run for the Presidency? I am not sure I just know that my people the whites Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod have control of this country. These white men are letting people and blacks die in Chicago???

    The answers? Rahm eventually becoming #President, #Israel getting whatever they want, David Axelrod sitting back setting up the cities with the #blackpeople fighting each other to keep us busy. Oh and Barack leaving #Syriafighting until Rahm becomes President to take care of #Syria so Israel can expand. These are all just theories but we have something serious with Chicago and the incarceration of the #blackcommunity. That is a huge problem.

    Here is a little deeper David Axelrod is Jewish as well as Rahm Emanuel. They have everyone so focused on the Muslims we are not paying attention to the fact to of the most powerful men in the country are Jewish. Look where Syria sits and Israel. Sure would make Israel powerful if they had Syria's land. I can see 32 years of #democratic control and 32 years of slavery of the black man and woman and children. It is pretty damn amazing Chicago has become the most #dangerouscity in the country and the media are told to stay away because if we knew what was really going on in Chicago it would put a black mark on Rahm Emanuel and ruin his run for the #presidency.

    For over 600 years #slaves were enslaved. 148 years ago the final slaves were freed. Blacks still are not looked upon as the same as whites and this makes me feel we owe them 748 years. This is just on #Africa and #NorthAmerica. Just like those 3 girls who were abducted and kept for 10 years and we think that is a long time? Imagine my entire life being a slave and it makes me sick knowing this. I have some more videos to watch but I truly did not know.

    There is making up for the past and the #USGovernment has acknowledged the mistreatment of the Natives. I don't call them NativeAmericans your either a #Native or an #American. I don't split where my loyalty lies I could say I am Scottish American but I am an American not a #ScottishAmerican. Its like the #HellsAngels I don't say #bandidos just because the bandidos are in my town I say and wear Hells Angels shirts because that is where my loyalty lies. The Native Americans sold out to the British during the #RevolutionaryWar had they not done that it might of been a different story. But they trained us how to fight on this land and we tore up everyone who tried to take it. We took the land because #evolution is what happens and that is why the Native Americans got the treatment they did but they were not treated nearly as bad as the black people. The slaves were tore apart. #Lynched and left for nothing. I am part native as well but I don't claim it because they were weak like the Scots who sold out to the #British. It is survival of the fittest and that is life. I don't care what they call each other its not about that. My daughter doesn't say #nigger and she is half black. Her father was run out by the #WhiteSupremacists their old compound is 12 miles from me it was their main land and housing they were pieces of shit. With their swastikas on American land and yes I beat many of their asses down because they wouldn't leave me and my #brother alone. They come at you like its a #religion. I don't care what religion someone is really. I speak my mind and that is it. This #government needs to pass an amendment asking for forgiveness from the US Government. It is time to end some of this hate and mend the wounds.

    2 men got #Barack Elected then you get #HillaryClinton to run with Rahm Emanuel as a #runningmate. With David Axelrod in the background. Then Rham Emanuel runs after #Hillary. Look at Chicago NOT ONE #MEDIA OUTLET WILL COVER IT. Most #violence in the #country and they barely ever mention it? We wouldn't want Rham Emanuel get a bad name would you?

    They would get the first #blackman, #firstwoman and first #Jewish Presidents. This is the control they have.


    Thursday, June 13, 2013

    8:04 AM Pacific Time/Washington State 6/13/2013

    RIP Jason Leffler died over night. For those of you not familiar with the name he was a Nationwide Nascar Driver who drove the #38 for Great Clips and the #18 in the Camping World Truck Series. I still do not know the details of the wreck but once its on Youtube ill share it. With all the safety precautions that have went into Nascar???? One NFL expert said the other day that NASCAR is safer than the NFL and I truly believe that with all the great devices and restylings of the cars and the new walls he must of hit something extremely hard because I dont know of any track where someone would actually die at. There are some tracks without safer barriers on the inside but I dont know yet ill post it when I see it.

    8:09AM Pacific Time/Washington State 6/13/2013

    This was the race and he is the yellow sprint cup do not get it confused with NASCAR Sprint Cup Series its a different type of car and its a dirt track which is called a hometrack they are not sanctioned to the same rules as NASCAR has. So if you look at this video their is no safer barrier, the cars are shaped much differently they are shaped for downforce and speed. Please keep your prayers and thoughts with Jason Lefflers family. This is not the death video and because of the shape of the track and where the wreck happened you probably wont ever see a death video because there is no seating where the wreck happened.

    8:21AM Pacific Time/Washington State 6/13/2013

    The simple nature of the wreck was left rear blew out sending him into the turn 4 wall and rolling down the straightaway 2-4 times. BTW this is a typical type of wreck there is nothing strange about it other than maybe it tweaked him the wrong way. Dale Earnhardt Sr's wreck was eerily similiar in that Sterling Martin gave him just a little nudge and it just turned Sr's car wrong and straight up head on into the wall. Nothing weird nothing strange just a hard hit that broke his neck. BTW I remember Sr's wreck like it was yesterday he was protecting Michael Waltrip who was in 1st and Dale Earnhardt Jr. Who was in 2nd and Sr. was in 3rd. All 3 cars belonged to the Earnhardt company and Sr. just wanted them to go at it as he had fought for over 20 years to win the Daytona 500. It came out Michael Waltrip won that race and it was one of the only times Michael Waltrip ever won. Sterling Martin was a great driver up until that time and he started getting death threats. I remember Jr. calling a news conference and telling everyone to leave Sterling alone it was just good old hard fashioned racing.

    Jason Lefflers Career Highlights:
    Inducted into the National Midget Auto Racing Hall of Fame in 2003
    He had 18 national championship midget car wins at the time of the presentation.
    1997, 1998, 1999 USAC National Midget champion
    1998 USAC Silver Crown champion

    He did run the Indianapolis 500 and the Brickyard 400-One and open wheel race and the other a NASCAR race.

    NASCAR Level of Racing Statistics:
    At the Sprint Cup Level of racing he had 1 Top Ten and 1 Pole over 73 races and a 9 year run
    His best year at the Sprint Cup level was 37th in 2012

    At the Nationwide Level of racing he had 2 Wins 107 Top Tens and 8 Poles over 294 races and a 12 year run
    Best year at the Nationwide Level was 3rd in 2007 out of all the teams.

    At the Camping World Truck Level of racing he had 1 Win 35 Top Tens and 10 Poles over 56 races and 7 year run
    Best year in Camping World Truck Series 2002 was his best year with a 4th place finish out of all the teams.
    In 2012 was his last year in that series he ended up 23rd of all the teams

    IndyCar Series Career:
    He raced for Treadwell Racing from 1999-2000
    Best finish 30th in 2000
    He had 0 Wins 0 Podiums and 0 Poles
    He did not make much into a Indycar career.

    Tuesday, June 11, 2013

    By definition some religions whether they want to be considered Pagan religions they are considered Pagan religions. Here is the definition of Pagan:
    A person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions.

    That is the base definition. So as we look at other religions out there. Some may want to be considered or not be considered Pagans yet they are Pagans.

    Paganism is an umbrella term that encompasses all of the non-abrahamic religions. This means that every religion that has not descended from Paganism is more of an term that would be considered an umbrella term. So it encompasses many religions that are non abrahamic religions. So you figure there are only 3 religions that are considered non-pagan religions. Judaism, Christianity, or Islam would be considered your non-pagan religions. Whereas Wicca, Native Americans, Ásatrú, Hellenic Polytheism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, Taoism, Celtic, and Druidism are all excellent examples of pagan religions.
    So when you think of Paganism your thinking of the number 1 religion in the world in terms of size. We have more people believing in their different God or Gods in different ways.

    Who would be the most devout? I have seen many people who are devout and in different countries our countries demand a lot from us. Some countries demand we work more than others and that is no excuse and I have found that Hindus and the Islamic faith to be extremely devout to their religion. Christians are devout but they are devout in getting you to think the same way as they do. They push hard at recruiting and their churches even teach them to recruit when they do not even realize it. It is very much a brainwash type of thinking.

    Who are the most dangerous? I find Judaism to be one of the most dangerous religions on the planet. They exist in an area where they are the only ones who think the way they do and they do not like it.

    Who are the most peaceful? Other than myself ha ha ha ha Paganism is hands down the most peaceful and when attacked many of them will be burned at a stake or be stoned to death without flinching. Pagans have not enjoyed a very peaceful nature. Because of their peacefulness they are attacked for it. But you ask any Pagan if they would turn their back on their faith even if they were going to be burnt at a stake? They would decline.

    I am a very outspoken Pagan and it's because of the world I live in. I get poked for being a Pagan and I am like a hungry lion. I personally have a great problem with the Christian faith and maybe it will take some time to get over but I will speak with my counselor about it because I personally have a  huge problem with that faith and I find that is when I am the most outspoken. I love all people it is only the faith I have the problem with. But as time goes on us simple farmers known as Pagans will once again bring in the cattle and harvest our corn for another day.


    Wednesday, June 5, 2013

    What do we do with Near-Earth Asteroids?

    So what do we do about asteroids heading to Earth? As a Pagan I believe nature has its right to live without us interfering. If an asteroid is heading to Earth I say let it impact. Humans will survive and it could do great and disasterous things to our world. I am not all about disasters but I believe we should prepare ourselves on our planet instead of trying to change things with a nuke. What happens if they hit it with a nuke and it spreads out and hits all of America? Here is the article from All credit for this little article to them.

    "If a dangerous asteroid appears to be on a collision course for Earth, one option is to send a spacecraft to destroy it with a nuclear warhead. Such a mission, which would cost about $1 billion, could be developed from work NASA is already funding, a prominent asteroid defense expert says. 

    Bong Wie, director of the Asteroid Deflection Research Center at Iowa State University, described the system his team is developing to attendees at the International Space Development Conference in La Jolla, Calif., on May 23. The annual National Space Society gathering attracted hundreds from the space industry around the world.
    An anti-asteroid spacecraft would deliver a nuclear warhead to destroy an incoming threat before it could reach Earth, Wie said. The two-section spacecraft would consist of a kinetic energy impactor that would separate before arrival and blast a crater in the asteroid. The other half of the spacecraft would carry the nuclear weapon, which would then explode inside the crater after the vehicle impacted"
    I have a problem with this not only on the monetary side of things. Yet we are trying to change something that could end up happening 100 times a year then what are we going to do? If we allow nature to take its course I believe that is the will of the Gods. I am not one to leave all things to the Gods but when it is coming to the Universe I do. 

    We put all our money into prevention with big powerful weapons when we could build shelters alot cheapter than that. But not only that we could be putting alot more money into Sciences to go into space and easily redirecting if we wanted too. We need to start pushing our lawmakers of all countries into putting more money into space so we can get to other planets like our own easily. Yes I am confused on why they don't put more money into things we could be doing and instead we put $1 billion for a nuke. It is all about us and how we educate our children and teaching them that science and mathematics is where our true future lies.

    Saturday, June 1, 2013

    Why do people draw blanks when speaking?

    Have you ever been asked a question and all of a sudden your like "Ummm, hmmmm yeah ummmm, ummmm, ummmmm. I don't know I am drawing a blank?" Well I am going to try and discover the reason why we all become what feels like the clown in the room at that time of stress.

    Einstein's Actual Brain

    So I figured the first thing I would do is lets find out what the dictionary says?

    So I used: The Free Dictionary by Farlex
    and here is what we came up with:

    draw a blank 
    1. . Fig. to get no response; to find nothing.
    2. Fig. to fail to remember something.

    Well we kind of knew that already. That was not real news for us to learn anything from. So I guess I am still drawing a blank off drawing a blank hahahaha.

    So I figured next would be "Where did it originate?" So back to Google I go. I type in the phrase and here is what I came up with. Of course it surprises me that its of English Origin because I always thought English people of being more proper. But it is not what you may think. These little rascals were gambling. Yep it came from lotteries hahahaha. Here is the section from Know Your Phrase. I will list all links at the bottom so that others can go look up the origins of everything I find. So here is the origin of "Why do people draw blanks?":

    This idiom may come from lotteries that were played in the 16th century. Wikipedia states:

    "The first recorded official lottery was chartered by Queen Elizabeth I, in the year 1566, and was drawn in 1569. This lottery was designed to raise money for the 'reparation of the havens and strengthof the Realme, and towardes such other publique good workes.'"

    Some of the lotteries back then worked like so: There were two pots. One pot contained individual notes with the names of participants on them, while the other pot had notes with the prizes. A name would be drawn from the first pot, followed by a prize. However, there was a possibility for a blank note to be drawn from the prize pot, which meant the person won nothing!

    To go along with this, there is a book titled A History of English Lotteries, from 1834. The writer mentions that there is an authentic record in existence which confirms the lottery that took place in Queen Elizabeth's time. This old manuscript, according to him, described the lottery, saying:

    "A verie rich Lotterie Generall, without any blancks."

    Kind of interesting that this phrase has been around over 400 years. Not only that but it made its way over on the Mayflower as well and from there all the way up to Deer Park, Washington where we are trying to figure out this silly phrase.

    Ok it looks like I found it. I went to Google once again and typed in "Drawing Mental Blanks" Neurology and I only came up with 7 or so different websites. But I will post what one of them had written and it makes sense. It also makes sense that we exercise our brains as much as possible to keep ourselves mentally sharp and physically sharp. But did you realize out of all the organs the brain needs both mental and physical exercise to keep it sharp as a tack? Yep it sure does. So here is the rundown from that other website. The website is called PrivInfo-Improve Memory:

    The Words Evade Me

    "If you've ever felt like you're losing your mind because you're drawing mental blanks more often it's time to examine your cause for memory loss. Sometimes there is more than one change to be made for a person to get back to normal with their ability to remember.

    Are you stressing yourself too much by taking on too many projects at once? This will cause you to become preoccupied, and you may feel as though you can't afford to take the time to relax and recharge your brain. But to do the best job no matter what the job, one must take care of oneself. Besides the physical damage of overworking, over-thinking will lead to mental meltdown. Your short-term memory will begin to suffer, causing you to forget even the simplest of words.

    So, first consider if there is anything you can do to ease your burden, like learning to say no when you already have too much on your agenda. Let someone else take over when possible, delegate responsibilities, learn to stop giving so much of yourself that you begin to suffer because of it. It's easy to do too much for your loved ones, especially. Mothers (or fathers) decide that something may be done faster or done in a more satisfactory way, so they neglect to allow their children to handle things they are really quite capable of doing. Hence, an overworked and harried mother, who begins to lose her keys or wallet, forgets to put gas in the car, neglects to put the school gym clothes in the wash, can't remember a neighbor's name that they have seen and spoken to often, or calls his or her child by their other child's name. Maybe the children won't do the chore exactly as you do or as quickly as you or as well as you, but the child can't learn how to perfect their efforts unless they perform trial and error. Give them the benefit of the doubt and accept their imperfect achievements whenever possible. Gentle guidance and praise are the keys here.

    There are health reasons that can cause our words to escape us. Short-term memory loss is one of the drawbacks to having diabetes. If you struggle with your blood sugar levels, you are sure to have memory challenges from time to time. Motivation, the proper diet and medication, along with strict self-discipline will get the situation back under control and the memory should return to normal.

    There is an old phrase that goes 'Use it or lose it'. Sometimes we can retain our sanity and our memory loss just by making the effort to exercise our brains. Besides the benefits of physical exercise, mental exercise is also essential to overall health. Take up a new activity, something to make you think, some way to present a challenge to your mind. Of course, you want to avoid having to try too hard or you'll just become discouraged. Take baby steps if necessary, keeping up with each accomplishment and making each new challenge a bit harder. Besides improving your ability to recall words, this will boost your self-esteem."

    So the next time you "Draw a Blank" remember its time to start using flash cards and running 5 miles with 500 push-ups a day cause your slipping hahahaha just kidding.

    Thank you to these fine websites that gave us the info needed because of our drawing blanks LOL:
    The Free Dictionary by Farlex
    Know Your Phrase